Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy of Simplyfy describes the information we collect about you when you access our website or web and mobile applications. Enter into agreements with us, use our services and products, send us communications, or otherwise engage with us, and what we do with such information. Any references to Simplyfy in this Privacy Policy also refer to its wholly owned subsidiaries. This Privacy Policy covers all our services and products and all methods by which you may access our website or our web and mobile applications.

You agree to the terms of our Privacy Policy when you choose us and create an account with us as well as utilize our services, products, website, or web and mobile applications. If you do not agree to the terms of our Privacy Policy, you cannot use our services or products and should not access our website or our web and mobile applications.

This Privacy Notice applies to all Personal Information processing activities carried out by us, across platforms, and websites of Simplyfy. We aim to protect the security and confidentiality of Personal Information about you, and we respect the privacy of our consumers, clients, and users.

Personal Information We Collect:

Personal Information includes information that may be classified as “Personal Data” or “Personally Identifiable Information” in some jurisdictions. It can be reasonably identified, relate to, describe, and associated with a particular individual or household. This Privacy Policy does not apply to anonymized or de-identified data that cannot be used to identify you. Other types of Personal Information which we can collect, store, use, and transfer are specified under:

  • Identity Data: Government-issued identification information (e.g., driver license, social security number, tax identification number, passport information), and other data such as name, age, gender, nationality; address, email, telephone, mobile number, date of birth, geolocation, etc.
  • Transaction Data: Transactional data related to your cryptocurrency wallet address, Simplyfy account, and cryptocurrency trading transactions. We can also store your banking-related information deposits or withdrawals, credit card information (e.g., last four digits of the card number, expiration date, card status), credit card payment information (e.g., amount, date, frequency, status, balance), information related to credit card transactions.
  • Financial Data And Employment Data: Financial data includes bank name, bank account number, bank routing number, income type, annual income amount, and monthly housing expenses. While employment data includes employment status, employment history, education history, resume information, recruitment information; and other information that may be received from consumer reporting agencies.
  • Device Data: We can store and see your internet protocol (IP) address, device type, model, keys, location, and web browser type and version. We can also access operating system (OS) type and version, device creation/modification/authentication dates, device IDs, and device login history.
  • Online Data: We can use your online data such as social media-related information, browsing history, and information regarding interactions with the website and mobile/web application (e.g., content viewed, links clicked, and features used).

How We Collect Your Personal Information

We collect your Personal Information from direct interaction when you use our services and products, open an account with us. We can also collect your personal information through technological interactions when you use our services and through cookies. We also use third parties apps and other platforms to collect your personal information.

In some situations, we are required to provide all information that we collect about you to third parties outside our group companies, as permitted by law, such as, with your consent in order to respond to judicial process, consumer reporting agencies, and in connection with a proposed or actual sale, merger, or transfer of all or portion of business. We ensure you to protect against fraud, money laundering or other risks.

How We Use Your Personal Information

We may use your Personal Information as required or permitted by applicable law. We will not use your personal information for purposes other than those purposes we have disclosed to you without your permission. If we need to use your information, we will notify you and obtain your consent to use it.

We provide our services obligation of our products in order to meet our contractual privacy policy.

We can conduct background checks to know your KYC reviews and anti-money laundering watchlists.

We at Simplyfy send you notice and confirmation regarding your fiat/cryptocurrency transfers.

We also send you confirmation and other information regarding your account transactions.

We can use personal information in creating your account statements, maintain records of your transactions, and provide support to your account.

We use your personal information in delivering content about our services and products, in sending promotional services, and other information.

We use your personal information in conducting analysis regarding your usage of our services and products in our marketing initiatives.

Security of the Information

We strive to ensure that our systems are secure and that they meet industry standards and maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect customer information. Specific employees are authorized to access customer information on a need-to-know basis for business purposes only under the code of ethics.

Retention Of Data And Information

Despite our efforts to protect the security of your information, no security system is always effective. We cannot guarantee that our systems will be completely secure. But we also have processes and procedures to remediate security risks and address any suspected data breach. We are required under applicable laws and regulatory requirements to retain certain information limited to personal information of clients, profiles, identification verification materials, KYC, and anti-money laundering (AML) obligations, account information, account agreements, trade orders, trade confirmations and other agreements, account statements, and other records.

Data Verification and Supplementation

Data verification involves the use of third-party data processing services while data supplementation involves appending any publicly available information. We recommend you to not to disclose your personal information that can be used to access your account over the phone unless you have initiated the call. If done, kindly update any changes in addresses immediately through the proper channel immediately to prevent any type of loss.

Changes to Simplyfy Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is available on our website reserves the right to make changes to any of the above privacy policies. We can make changes frequently at any time to meet the rules and regulations of the government. If we make changes to our privacy policy, then we will post it on our website and will notify our clients by email.